Session Musician
Welcome back! If you didn't catch my last post, I looked into the career of artist management. Included in that post is an interview I was fortunate enough to conduct with a professional, full-time artist manager. He offered a lot of invaluable insight to me, and I highly encourage you to read it if you didn't get the chance. Tonight, I'm going to be discussing the career of session musician. This is a career that I have a strong personal interest in, and it is one that I have had some experience in as well. I will again be looking at to see what their take on the job is. I will then compare what they have to say to the experiences that I have had with it. The following is how the website defines the position: "A Session Musician backs another artist during live performances or in the studio. He or she must be able [to] sight read and to perform several different genres. Session Musicians are self-employed, so when not performing, they have...